Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

But- but realism…


also wheres that groupchat cro…

I’m not sock, they have to invite you

I wonder what technology each culture has rn

did we gain another ally

The way the game advances is mostly from like tribal ish - > some alt medieval with Mythril and Adamantine n stuff

If you want other things you’d have to do mods and I dont really wanna download mods

We had them for a while you just forgot :sob:

Yeah Ik I looked at the wiki last weekend to see that stuff (sad that there’s no sane magic use), was just wondering what each culture currently has

Hey what if you made some wasteland (the biome that appears after a nuke) islands on the outskirts to represent former dark sea islands

ok have fun with that
(to be honest they weren’t doing much anyway, nor were they being attacked and needing protection)

I would make more islands but npcs wont travel to them and make them into towns for some reason unless they’re connected sooooo

yo ill go to war with the Vistarians also

are we just ganging up on the vistarians now?

Make a really long and thin bridge of mountain/shallow water?

why not
it was gonna happen eventually

me when i have to declare war on some merchants because i was bored

Truly, this is the only way it could have ended

woah pal im just trying to see what my acid hands do in a war…

my real and factual reasons for going to war:
i felt like it
you were right there