Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

What type

Probably something small like a grenade or a napalm bomb. A normal one would change the terrain (unless they don’t mind doing that) and nukes are way too destructive

Tsar bomb where savyria was,



Random Alelean Farm got bombed oopsies

Napalm it is I guess

Either way NEXT YEAR!

Gonna wipe half the map with that :laughing:

The EASTERN half, I’m in the WEST.

That is not ideal
(good thing im fireproof)

After almost a decade of war, Magius is finally at peace…

And with that I’m going to stop for today.

That was a lot.

Yall come up with something tomorrow, but I have a few plans for disasters I may do.

I kill this guy and hide the evidence

This is a joke, I instead give him the most luxurious accommodations possible (not a bribe, I repeat this is NOT a bribe, I am attempting to influence them yes, but it’s not in exchange I will give it to them regardless)

Out of all the people reporting on the war you choose the one whose culture is from one of your allies?

Finally my first bit of action and it’s just the fire department receiving a call

(I’m only doing this so I don’t get invaded)

(I’m kind of in an awkward situation please help)

(I don’t want to risk collapsing the alliance)

neato, i think that’s enough war from me for now

Savyria bros… It’s joever. Never forget!
(I hope we rise up or something please tell me you got rebellions turned on)

Yes :100:

i guess senbon zakura is a neutral writer.

also is somei yoshino alive or did they blow up somewhere

Glitch forgot to add the player town leaders

:skull: :skull: :skull: