Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

just one more year and they’ll do it they said

What is this?

war simulator pretty much

Good luck smelly

My fault gang

The hell happens to the town leaders for conquered people then

I mean, the towns still exist

So nothing I’d guess assuming the leader of the country lets them live

As hyperspace said, the towns still exist they’re just under new management

It’s fake…

Mods ban this guy for misinformation

In other news, petition to drop a nuke on bell village

  • Do it for the funny
  • Do it for war reasons
  • Don’t do it (I’m a coward)
0 voters


Thats me in the photo. I can’t… I can’t watch another tragedy

Im not fucking using nukes in this :sob:


If we get it to 95% can you do it?

Btw when next year?

I wanna have time to rebuild so I can assist my allies in DEFENDING themselves (I won’t go to war with them)

I have band in 30 minutes so im getting ready to go

There’s literally no wars going on right now

I mean in the future

Even if there were wars I’m taking this time to recover and quell (PEACEFULLY) any anti-Alvarian sentiment in former new Greece

i also just want to take some time to rebuild and stuff from war

Should we just skip the paper for neat year?

Nothings really happening other than rebuilding and I guess me assisting the old new Greeks in rebuilding