Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)


before I actually roll the wheel I found this guy in the volcano who is this mf :sob:

Anyways here we go

Some Doomyrian miners found an ancient tomb while going into a new tunnel looking for ores, and out from the tombs came to life an undead army! (Yes, this is what I’m going with)

A farm in the bronze grasslands has blown up. This has basically confirmed to the Aleleans and others that the previous farm attack wasn’t any accident from the volcano, but a direct attack.

More will be elaborated on in the next article for this.

Declare war on the volcano!!!

let bro live there in peace this is hilarious

Petition to declare war on this one guy

  • I declare war on the guy
0 voters

I summon my allies to declare war on the guy
@sock @DubiousLittleTyp0 @beefybuffoon @manyamongthem

what abt me

Are you my ally?

I cant keep track at this point

im not reading all of this thread

“Look, just sign the stupid petition alright?”

Year 610 - Attack on Alelean farmland & Ancient Underground Tomb Discovered!

Attack on Alelean Farmland
Recently this year, yet another Alelean farm has been destroyed within the Bronze Grasslands, of which was destroyed in a similar fashion to the previous one near the Ashen Volcano. The Army managed to arrive just in time to stop the fires (which were much more powerful than the ones from the earlier incident) from spreading further with the help of their water magic general. Officials have began to seek out any possible suspects for the attack, as there’s no possibility that this one was by a volcanic eruption this time. We will continue to report on this incident and any that follow as Alelean officials look into this.

Ancient Underground Tomb Discovered!
Earlier this month, Doomyrian miners in Savystia were searching an unexplored cavern with local cavers, and what was found shocked them immensely. Within the cave, they found a large, ancient tomb lined with many open coffins! The cavers described the walls as painted with many depictions of ancient gods on them, and text inscribed next to them seemed to tell the story of a long lost culture that worshipped the god Thanatos, though this has yet to be confirmed by experts to be true quite yet. When the miners and cavers began to leave, they seemed to have tripped a system in the tomb, and soon after, the many skeletons in the tomb started to reanimate, following the group at a slow pace as they escaped from the cave!

The next day, the skeletons began to emerge from the caves themselves, which terrified the local population of Savystia; however, when the skeletons approached, they were found to be rather peaceful. They wandered around aimlessly, not necessarily paying attention to anything around them. While they seem imposing with the weapons they carry, they have yet to pose an actual threat. Some locals in Savystia have even began to find the situation humorous, as they put a cowboy hat on one of the skeletons and nicknamed it “Ben”.

While many are rightfully weary about the skeletons potentially becoming a problem, especially as they’ve begun to wander around Magius, most territories have yet to recognize them as a potential threat, and have instead done their best to keep their citizens at peace. Whether or not these ancient, reanimated skeletons turn into an issue, Magius News will continue to view the situation as time goes on.

This article has been written and edited by Lisa Daggers and brought to you by Magius News

“Okay, I guess that sounds pretty good.”

What did he do to you :sob:

1 Like

Yeah so uh I thought the skeletons would attack people

apparently not???

They seem chill af though

Also Lisa Daggers is a Savarian (I know yall probably forgot about them though)

He killed my family… :wolf:

Also also from now on I’m going to do the articles by every 5 years so I don’t clog it up so much. Each article will likely be more lengthy now though.

“Sorry for those hateful comments skelebro, I wasn’t familiar with your game”

Also it’s year 610 so that means the player town leaders should be added by now

One more thing now is that I’m going to announce village leaders

Please ping me if you are a village leader and/or ping any other village leaders so I can list them

can yall blow up the volcano with lightning