Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

too tired today to run it sorrgy

I promise I’ll run it tomorrow as soon as I get back from school

its been 1 tomorrow, run the simulation now!!!

The school part has not been completed yet

id make a joke about ditching school but that’s been said 3 times so just pretend I said something clever

Me waitting for announcement of town leaders:

stare at the camera, duh

Okay, here’s how the next few years are going to work out


I have these on the wheel of events that can happen, and I will add more later.

If there’s some other things people want to add to possible events then let me know within ~40 minutes cuz I’m gonna do something else before continuing this in that time, and I will add it.

Rule for revolution on the wheel (Subject to change)

For every decade the wheel doesn’t land on it, it will quintuple its spaces on the wheel until it’s eventually chosen again

for the other choices, this is what they mean:

Nothing - Nothing happens, its literally just that. Magius news will not publish an article in that year, but will do an advert instead.

Natural Disaster - I pick a random disaster from what Worldbox gives to happen to whatever poor town is currently located on my cursor

Murder - A random town official / clan member will be murdered, to which this will be investigated.

Early halloween - You cannot escape the skeleton army.

I swear if you say drop a bomb mr

Man, revolutions suck

Also can we use allies to help quell them but keep them as our territory?

Also drop a bomb cuz mryes told me to

No allies for revolutions, you should be able to handle it yourself.

Ok fine

You really want new Greece to declare independence dont you

It doesn’t HAVE to be new greeks, I’ll roll for territories that were taken over by other armies if it lands on revolution

Can you make one the events spawn in the evil wizard?

Yeah but you want it to be

Why else would you say “they’ll remember that”

I mean eventually it will happen, but I won’t do it just yet

Let it fester for a bit

I cast Fahrenheit 451

All pro rebel media is censored, and any rebels are deported to keihatsu

Note the difference between rebels and people that just don’t like us, for that I implement a simple plan

People in power, such as town leaders or rich people are given large accomadations, along with extra funding for rebuilding

Spread (debatably true) information about how the old new Greek government was evil or something idk

If any sentiment remains, personally send stimulus checks to everyone in particular towns such as Styx, in order to lessen reason for rebellion (make the economy and lives depend on us)

can i have the ocean

I added a few more things to this now

Politics - idk some shit happens, probably a rally will happen I guess

Bomb - a place blows up

Eruption - A fire tower appears in the Ashen volcano. Does it do anything? I don’t know.