Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

I survive still, and I have a great soldier who killed @just_a_grunt

it would make me really really happy if some of you guys joined a absolutely not evil alliance hellbent on world-conquering

You could join the desert ring if the others approve

I tried to do that then you declared war on me

@unlucky we’re gonna eat you :hugs:

There can only be ONE cartoon supervillain in this world!

We split the land 5 ways?

theres only like
3 villages he has?
so i dunno if thats possible

That’s not how it works in WorldBox

Granted, it should end up like that regardless

Oh it’s a 1v5?
Yeah you have a much higher chance of winning compared to the 1v2

i dread for the kings of the others

My 3 villages will destroy all of you I promise

Oh (3 characters)

Yeah you already died but the others have yet to face the vistarian kingslayers

What the fuck happened while I was gone

I went with my mom to buy a can of busher’s baked beans and yall are already starting another war :sob:


5v1 against vistaria
defensive war for the 5

Sounds like you shouldn’t have bought the baked beans

Ok it’s NOT MY FAULT this time I PROMISE

It’s always your fault