Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)



psychological warfare

its the only thing i can remember you by though

But it’s true, King Unlucky the Infertile King of 3 villages, got unlucky and became infertile


This is bullying. I demand that everyone in my country gets deathbomb added to their traits as retaliation

psychopathic warfare


Actually that would be pretty interesting

lol, one good shot from a bowman, and your whole nation goes boom

oh i forgot that chain reactions would be a thing

AND give them the trait that makes them throw bombs everywhere every 2 seconds!

I see nothing that can go wrong whatsoever!

lol imagine if grandpa npc died of old age and his country went boom

can i sacrifice make like 5 people disappear to give like 3 people in vistaria the arsonist trait

Can I drop a bomb in retaliation for not sacrificing more people

ten people then

You think arson is cheap? 30 people at least!

Im gonna tell you guys now that this war might take forever since you guys are separated by territories and im not sure how armies interact with other territories while at war with ones in between them

fifteen at best, final offer
an arsonist is worth at the VERY LEAST five people
if it isn’t enough, drop a grenade and STILL get the arsonists