Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

are we all humans or can we maybe customize a bit more with our races

Two cultures remain

all human, I can’t do different races without it just not working since I made all of them human by default


would be fun to play as like snow fox/rabbit people and sort of observe human cultures out of curiosity

though rabbits would be probably better for a civilization with fertile

oh you mean like other things

uh those aren’t in worldbox, its limited to humans, elves, orcs and dwarves

you could do this lore wise though for this ig :person_shrugging:

That is a cool idea actually (you could still try but it would certainly be harder)
Maybe your people are curious about other cultures or something

theres only 4 races cro :broken_heart:
i also edited the original message for traits

lets see how the wheel decides

Fun fact, the canopians are supposed to be pacifists WoM lore wise, so how you ended up as a king like this is beyond me

im just a silly guy obviously

if we’re elves then that’d be cool too

“those humans look so much like us, and yet, they act so differently, isn’t it fascinating?”

Maybe they just really wanted a change

a change to being evil and murderous???

can we be elves :angel:

quirky elves who find humans weird but kinda cool

the obvious explanation is the uhmh… .the uhhhh… the ughhmhmuhmm/…
the economy.

Apparently so. That or there was a hostile takeover or something.

At least I’m somewhat changing things for the better by improving healthcare (probably just for bell village they really need it)
Ignore the lack of mental or physical wellbeing, what’s important is that diseases are not happening.

we have technology…

that we use mainly for creating the craziest, peakest, most fantastic fucking video games you’ll ever play

we also are accepting humans and dwarves though orcs are somewhat intimidating but we can accept too :grin:

i mean you can do that lore wise, but it won’t work gameplay wise in the simulator.

Different races won’t join kingdoms made by different races.

oh that’s lame :fr:

@beetwee24 are you offline or are you able to choose a territory?

I guess I have to be human in the simulator then so I can make treaties

btw who are my neighbors?