Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

Snow folk, Savarians, Alvarians and New greeks

wait sock is the snowfolk right?

@sock wanna treaty up

we can make an artic supercity

a frozen scientocracy

or something like that idfk

I sort of want an alliance between the 3 territories that surround ashen volcano

lets wait for every territory to be claimed before that stuff can happen

my diplomatic fumbles will be many and my won wars few

can we make a space program

theres a mod for that

what if I made like an alien nation or something and we came to earth for something freaky like humans are really attractive by our beauty standards

I have about 2 goals from doing this.
First: End racism (I at least don’t want any conflict between alaleans and castlians)
Second: Give bell village better living conditions

Imma go to bed for now, if anyone joins this later on I’ll add them in tomorrow after I finish with band

I also must sleep for I have not slept in almost 2 days, and I would rather not face the consequences.

i want me savarian territory

i also noticed i possess the mongus.
a boon or a curse upon me, i do not know.

war war war

oh wait everything is claimed

WorldBox player, respec

give me volcano and call it the great banana alps

you can be a village leader

sure, if that’s how it works

Savyria is left, I’ll take it!
Genius trait