Main Slot: Ramir Mostafa

hello, its nice to meet you all. this is my first post here and my first time using a forum ever, ramir is my main slot and he’s a sand conjurer. i hope we can be good friends in the future

also i’m working on an animation for him but i can’t post it yet because it’s very rough


actually i can probably show what i have so far here
hoping it works


Imagine getting sand to your wound, that would hurt a lot

worse, imagine getting sand in your clothes

this is why i hate sand, it’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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pocket sand.

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Looks AWESOME! I wish I could animate like you

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He gotta take better dental care for real, what is he, a british?

Sand and bleeding better synergise

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Welcome to the art community. Now, who’s going to volunteer and say ‘would’ to this fabulous artwork?

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your art looks sick, hope to see more

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so incredibly late but i would die for him maybe

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