All types of armors and accessories, except for amulets, would now give bonus defense.
Armors like sunkens, steel armors or anything related to heavy armors would still have the highest defense, armors that doesn’t focus on defense would only get a few bit of defense such as 40 and 20 for accessories except amulets. The bonus defense should scale with the level of the item, the given numbers are only examples.
Existing armors and accessories with defense would only have an addition to their stats.
If the armors and accessories aren’t maintained, then the bonus defense would be removed.
Armory shop npcs would now have the option to fix your armors and accessory for a price aside from selling newbie items and then having no use upon reaching max level.
Armors has 50 durability and accessories has 30 durability. Each fights you get into would reduce the durability by 1 and reaching 0 would remove the bonus defense stat. For clarification, no matter how many hits you take in a single fight, it will always just reduce the durability by 1 once the fight ends.
Low defense focused builds would last more than 5 hits.
Piercing would have more use aside from countering specific builds.
Glass cannons would not be safe from the damage bonus of piercing.
Low level players would gain more defense from low level armors and accessories.
Prolongs battles a little bit.
Doesn’t punish players who runs glass cannon builds.
High defense focused builds would become really tanky.