Major breakthrough on durzas true identity

After hours of reasearch into the lore doc and Greek mythology, I believe I have found durzas true physical identity.

We all know who durza (not achermoax or whatever) is. He was simply some simple minded weak kid who ran into a floating cube of power. He then went on to nearly conquer the world with his immense power and armies.

But do you know who also did the same exact thing, in the same exact order???


The arch illager.

There is no better reasoning against this claim, it should be clear already that the arch illager is durza. But in case you are too dense to see this, here is a brief explanation

This was the arch illager before his transformation:


He was simply a weak minded rando who couldn’t hurt a fly.

That was until he obtained the orb of dominance, known by many as the absorption curse.

This allowed him to conquer the world, and after his ultimate defeat, corrupt it in the same fashion as durzas final blast.

Now that you see that the evidence is truly correct, it is time for you to bow to our new conqueror.


There will be no beating him.


why did I make this

I don’t know why, but I do know that it’s peak fiction

durza au where he’s bald

This is why he abandoned his physical form.

the similarity is actually fucking crazy

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the entire story matches perfectly on a basic level, it’s insane