Make a gear build using all parts of one set

Just a fun idea I had. You can pick any gear set as long as it has at least three pieces and you have to use all of them, but other than that, there’s no rules. Here’s mine, based on the Rusty Armor.

what I use unfortunately

I already do use that kind of build lol

I have a build that uses all diatrys but I’m gatekeeping

something like this i imagine

yes but mine also has intensity

I should probably reverse engineer your build into a better one.

Here’s a reverse engineered version of soifons “gatekept” build, it’s slightly worse but whatever

something so cursed that I wouldn’t dare make it ingame

already doing that :smirk_cat:

I use Argos armor set (with chainmail for chest) and a blasted agl amulet
The result is basically a build with around 70 pwr, 400 def, 227 agl, 230 int

mid defense and power but it’s not that horrible