Make ideas for lost magic variants

I was more talking about when someone attacks you with that magic. I think the scroll would tell you what the magic is so no confusion there.

Considering how most things may go, you may not get lost magics until probably around level 600-700, maybe earlier maybe later. By then they likely wouldn’t exactly be new depending on who they are. It may actually be a good way to confuse newer people in pvp.

True that

Although, maybe Poison Lightning will be a good way to confuse a person if they don’t know what they’re fighting.

Also a question i should probably ask if anyone knows the answer, did Poison Lightning have a DOT? If it did, what was it called?

Okay Lost magics are combination of base magic (Mud = water + earth ; Darkness = shadow + shadow etc.)
And i think that there is nothing we can add to Lost magics that Vetex not already added on trello.

  1. Not all lost magics are just combinations of base magics. (Ex: Wave, Gravity, Sound)
  2. Vetex gave the most barebones explanation for each lost magic so there is plenty speculation and discussion we can do about them.
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A more intense purple? There’s also a Venom Lightning variant if we can assume that.
Edit: And crap, I replied to the wrong thing.

Blue & yellow used to be the colours of phoenix magic in AA but it was changed to orange & something else.
And I heard it was based on Marco

Man, wish we could get some variant options for that. Was hoping for a fire based magic that wasn’t some shade of red or orange.

Honestly, blue-green might work for Phoenix too, I was going to pick Phoenix but so far, it just seems to have an orange-white variant so Idk

too bad Scorch, Darkflame, and Aethereal Flame isn’t planned lol but we have a lot of Fires anyways


Basically black hole magic, takes a lot of energy and focus(long casting time) but deals insane damage in turn.

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While that is a dope idea and I love the name, this thread isn’t for lost magic ideas but rather for different variants of already know lost magics. So different color themes.

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oh word im stupid :moyai:

Nah you’re good, easy to mix it up

bright orange aether lightning
give or take :expressionless:


Blaze magic exists

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