Make NPC Grand Navy Ship Unable to Attack/Damage Player Grand Navy Ship

Make NPC Grand Navy Ship Unable to Attack/Damage Player Grand Navy Ship
effort 1.0 1 quality 1.0 2 reasonability 4.5 4

Make NPC Gravy ships unable to attack/damage Player Gravy ships, please…
It’s nonsense how some random Gravy NPC ship can damage my ship as a Gravy myself while I’m unable to damage them back…

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Its Navy not Gravy

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i dont see why not

Hold on, that’s a thing?

Gravy short for grand navy

A lil inside joke, I’m sure you’ve heard it before


Well yes, but have you ever heard of friendly fire?

It’s not friendly fire if you don’t have the ability to attack back tho

Then let the ships have friendly fire, not the enemy

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Nvm didn’t understand what you said lol.

Okay but that’s a bit weird.

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