Make permanent Forum or Discord bans an in-game ban as well

Stop its what he wants.

we truly live in the goofiest timeline

already are to an extent

I’m in :smiling_imp:

time to ban divanochi

he already got banned in game

Oh yeah I see your point then



This has nothing to do with the censoring of opinions, but the consequences of actions.

“slowly” its been roblox twitter
every fucking opinion i see no matter how much it either goes for or against the communities’ eyes will be received as a death threat equivalent, only for it to go from suggestions to childish squabbles. the reason you only see straight up arguments now is because most of you instantly respond to suggestions that u slightly disagree with and the proceed with the “kys” message

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And it should stay that way.

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sooo the ban itself then?

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i dont believe that shit at all considering he spammed it again a few hours after the first time :face_with_monocle:

Action: states opinion
Consequence: gets banned ingame

this seems like a proper and just system

Could you attach a source? I’m genuinely intrigued.

you’re joking right

basically, two testers kept complaining about AO’s combat far before it was finished over and over, it then escalated to them threatening to leak the game (as a joke apparently) and they both got demoted

forums / discord rules do not equal ingame rules

As I said before, this isn’t about opinions. As long as the moderators are perma-banning offending users justly, there would be no problems. Unless, you do not have faith in our moderation staff?