Make permanent Forum or Discord bans an in-game ban as well

depends on the severity of the situation honestly because if you were banned for breaking, say, rule 7 in discord which leads to p7, then it wouldnt make sense to get banned in game. however, if you were caught in possession of cp then that should be more than just a game ban

Rejected; Forum Bans can happen because of many reasons, and some of them are just cumulations of many punishments.

For a total platform ban to occur, the criteria aren’t defined but the general guideline is “do we think that this guy is safe to keep in the community?”

Not every discord or forum ban necessarily correlates to something worth taking in-game moderation against, some of them are simply a matter of breaking discord or discourse ToS.

For example, you can be banned from a discord and have your account permanently deleted if you’re 12 or younger. This isn’t violating any of the game or roblox’s rules, so I don’t see why it would be grounds to ban someone from a game.

And while there are some more reasonable reasons to permanently ban someone from a discord (i.e. posts instructions to make illegal content, constant trolling, using discriminatory/offensive terms, etc), and while these things are typically make you a shitty person, they don’t always translate to violation of roblox’s ToS or a game’s rules.

Overall when it comes to transferring bans from discord/forum to in-game, it should vary case-by-case depending on what the offender has done. In some scenarios they definitely should be, but in other it’s more questionable if that should be the default course of action.

(sorry for replying, didn’t realize it had been closed)