Make pvp serversided

Make pvp serversided
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

I know it would make the game laggier by a good bunch

but I’d rather have 50 fps then have literally every attack my enemy does hit me despite it visually going behind them in the exact opposite direction to me. Seriously, last time I pvped EVERY attack visually missed me by a good couple player lengths-literally behind them

like god, I genuinely don’t understand how it’s possible to make a system that’s capable of desyncing THAT badly

also, if this happened, then grabs would finally actually be reasonable instead of weapon grabs having island sized aoe and rushdown being purely visual

call me a skill issue if you’re carried by the enemy not being able to see where you’re god damn attacking but like seriously, can we please have SOMETHING to fix the desync?

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I think that’s solely because of all the god awful lag but IDK

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lag just makes it harder to see, desync is another issue

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It’s primarily beams, and shots I’ve experienced being shot the complete opposite direction, yet still hitting me, so I’m wondering if there could be made any specific changes for the instant attacks?


Please no

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the fuck am i supposed to do?

Do the funny introduction

it’s that one guy bruh not the asian

what do you mean

bro got the wrong guy :skull:

bro got the wrong guy :skull:

bro got the wrong guy :skull:


welcome the lamb to the slaughter

guess its time to pull old quotes again

TLDR similar issues where you get hit even if you clearly dodged on your screen (although probably less frequent), plus other issues


I mean I made this because I was mad that literally every single attack my opponent made went speeding off and missed me yet still hit

ao on roblox moment

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maybe something called ping and because of how fast characters move its easier to spot and notice

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