Make Sea Weather More Common

Make Sea Weather More Common
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3

this is a suggestion about things like whirlpools, tornados, snowstorms, etc.
I honestly forgot that tornados existed until I remembered a bit ago, because I have never seen any
the only whirlpools I’ve ever seen were the two that always appear at harvest.
I’ve barely seen any icebergs
lightning is a myth apart from dawn island

basically, please increase the spawn rates of all these, I’ve literally never seen half of them.
if this may be an issue for new players, then just make them spawn much less often in about this circle so that new players don’t get stuck thanks to a giant ass whirlpool

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Prob add a weather report in the newspaper daily to signify a weather event happening at the server other then the tsunami ones

that’s the thing

weather NEVER happens, EVER

the closest is some rough seas, maybe an iceberg, and the rare big wave

mfw i see atleast one person get hit by it daily (that included me on launch day).

but yeah i def agree.

sail under storm clouds for lighting

never happens

I’ve seen so, so many.

I’ve seen a few more

and only 1 thunderstorm

that’s it

I’ve seen icebergs and the occasional wave, but the others I haven’t heard of, large waves (outside of palo town) I’ve never encountered, I just now learned about tornados, I never seen any rough seas, and like what most people are talking about the only whirlpools I know of are at harvest.

I’ve also seen a lot of those. I’ve gotten struck by lightning. Wish you got another badge for it, some shit like “Lightning doesn’t strike twice”.

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yeah idk, i do would like for them to be a bit more common, as i’ve never even known that stuff like tornadoes exist lol but it could get annoying when there are too many, too often and the likes. basically making it feel like the world is always ending lol

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