Make shark/marinelife kills not count for bounty hunts

Make shark/marinelife kills not count for bounty hunts
effort 5.0 1 quality 5.0 1 reasonability 5.0 1


This reasoning is addressed towards 2 different groups: vetex, and people who dislike runners. It mostly meant as a defense of running in general.

  • I do not want to excuse people who run when they’re losing a fight. Call me biased, but those people sound like pests.

I want to assume that this is a simple oversight by vetex, like a situation he didn’t think of. However, if this is a deliberate choice, and not a bug or an oversight, it’s a poorly thought-out one. If people aren’t confident in their PvP abilities, they should be allowed the chance to avoid a fight if they think they are confident that they can. This doesn’t mean they should be allowed to get away, let the hunter chase them all they want, but the option should be available.


I’ve heard/experienced too many horror stories regarding someone not feeling like PVPing, but then a swarm of sharks (or whales) comes out of nowhere to kill them, causing them to lose renown. I propose an addition to the game that, if a player was killed by sharks while in bounty hunt combat, it counts as a normal kill. I’m not sure how that would work, so here’s some ideas.

  • Maybe the game keeps track of what things kill players, so that players killed by sharks don’t proc the renown transfer.
    • This runs the risk of being exploited by running players, but I say that this is too niche of a situation compared to the “bounty hunt by shark” scenario.
  • Maybe vetex can make 2 different kinds of “combat modes”. One for a “hunter is nearby” radial combat tag, and another for when a hunter is actively attacking you.
    • If the first is active, then a player can try to escape, die to sharks, and that won’t count as the bounty hunt succeeding. If the second is active, then death by shark is permissible.
    • This isn’t a complete fix to the issue, it just undoes a particularly unfair situation. A complete fix would be personally preferable.

Why am I suggesting this right now? (story time!)

This was inspired by one of my friends, after dying from water poisoning after his brig bath bugged in the dark sea, respawned at Ravenna while someone was hunting him. As soon as he respawned and saw this, he dived into the water to swim away, but a large swarm of sharks appeared and killed him. (He also says that there wasn’t a diving spot nearby, but the questions that raise are not relevant to this.) He never interacted with his hunter, and lost 80k fame for trying to live.

Have you lost renown to sharks in a bounty hunt?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Even though I agree with this but I do have to say this
Skill issue



Unnecessary since renown is a pvp/leaderboard thing now

It is pretty niche, but it’s meant as a thing for people who care about their renown. Keep in mind the “hunter nearby” pvp activator.

bro this happened to me when the person wasn’t even hunting me

man just dont have high renown if u dont want to fight

Being on the leaderboard is baller though

Also, power move: Being on the leaderboard using only PvE to get fame, rendering unethical alternatives irrelevant

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Sharks can’t radial tag, but if you’re in combat with someone hunting you, you’ll loose Renown regardless of what killed you. Your friend prob got radial tagged

Oh and sharks work for the grand navy???

1, what’s the point in fighting if you’re gonna lose anyway
2, it’s called kiting, you guys just give up too early, best I’ve seen is someone chasing me to whispering

So I shouldn’t play most of the game? Guess what number goes up when you do almost anything

Sometimes people have trouble determining what fights they can and can’t win. What I meant by that is people who pick fights, and then run from them.

well, yeah, but that still should have given him the opportunity to escape. He got radial tagged, that let him know someone was hunting him, and he wanted to get out of there. Unfortunately, the sharks were back in town, and he got punished for it.

Couldn’t you just use a bleeding potion to cheese this and get yourself eaten by a shark to avoid getting your renown stolen

Huh, bleeding attracts sharks? I didn’t know that.

That could require some kind of in-code distinction between self-induced potion bleeding and other forms of bleeding. However, I did already mention making some kind of distinction between radial tag pvp procs and actual combat.

Man, this poll’s more evenly split than the facial hair poll I made a few months ago. Wild.

Yeah I understand that
Egoïstisch people:

The kid named Shark Repel

The kid named No more than 2 positive buffs at once