Make the crusader helmet smaller

Make the crusader helmet smaller
effort 1.0 6 quality 1.0 6 reasonability 1.0 6

Make the oracle helmet and dark steel helmet smaller.

Reason to add: its too big

Counter arguments: none

nah I think its fine as is


your fault for using it with the wrong armor

looks perfectly fine as it is, i dont even think its possible to make it smaller cus it sure looks like the size of a roblox head rn


womp womp


also low effort suggestion. mods, brutalize this guy

What else is there to say? Helmet look a little too big.
The issue is that it’s significantly taller than a Roblox head, so it has a hard time fitting on one.

The armor it goes with is smaller than the one im using so its even worse, in fact im wearing extra big steel pauldrons in an attempt to make this helmet not look ass

im still brutalizing you for sharing your issue for a helmet in suggestions
get a different helmet (more crusader helmet models should be added tbf)

I think the only issue is that the line in the middle looks like a giant nose tbh

You ruined it…

yeah its somewhat tall but its not large or big, and it sure would look way worse if vertically squished
if you didnt want something that at the very least appears tall (i guess cuz of the big line) then just take a different helmet?

ok and?

just wear the rest of the oracle set blud

Oracle helmet is lowkey not fashionable with other armor sets.

I don’t remember asking :speaking_head: :fire:

anything is fashionable you just need to experiment with it

YUCK! ew!

…we don’t talk about those

could work for an oak wood build tbh

Low effort suggestion