I spent like a week making a map, not really based on anything in real life other than the Magius recreation I did before.
First color rendition (based on highlighter colors from my backpack):
Red - Jungle biome
Orange - Savanna biome
Yellow - Beach / Desert biome
Light Green - Plains biome
Dark Green - Forest biome
Blue - Tundra
Bluish Purple - Arctic
Light Purple - Swamp
Teal outline - Shallow waters
Alt coloration with Magius map biome colors:
I plan on trying to learn how elevation maps work so I can make an elevation map version of this.
November 16, 2024, 11:24pm
more like a crocodile or komodo dragon to me
Was going for just a general animal skull shape for it
Kinda just saw the part curving in and thought “what if I extended some lines to look like teeth”
Looking at elevation maps rn to try and find out generally where I should have things when I make the elevation map, if anyone has more things I should look at to help me understand them better please send me them
what did you make this in… i made a few maps a while ago in something else (Inkarnate) but almost everything was behind a paywall
I used google sheets for this
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I like using it. It takes a while but conditional formatting is really useful
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kinda looked like russia lol
ok so im working on the worldbox version of it in worldbox, I finished the close ocean outline
This took FOREVER
Google Sheets, the thing that allows you to make every form of diagram or whatever, but will NOT tell you how to.
Nah, I’d use MS Paint.
I used sheets because I learned how to do pixel art with conditional formatting in a computer science class & thought it would be funny if I did it again
Yeah it will, I forgot how but you can access a guide for it