Mako the forum shark

Hello, It has been a while since I joined so I shall at least introduce myself. I am a dude named mako and I am a fan of vetex’s games. I am quite an introverted person but I love engaging in a friendly conversation online as well as talking about my hobbies from time to time. So yeah I know it is almost a month since I joined but yeah. Thank you for reading.



New AO shark in the making :poggerfish:

New arcane odyssey shark: Black eyes

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It should maybe start a band

Black eyed peas :eyes:

This time it is black eyed seas.

Me and the boys risking our lives by camping underwater to listen to the black eyed seas

Until vetex started playing The seafloor is lava

His album is kinda fire, hot even

Nah it was quite shocking.

Really? I guess the overall opinions on his album isn’t set in stone yet

i am ready to fight them.

-Jaws theme plays nervously-

The weapon you get when you defeat Omega Black Eyes

Captain Holdens Lead Cacophony

He’s Holden onto his life

Yeah I gotta take a nap now

Cya later