Man, I'm an RKer. I hate the infamy system

Why, you might ask? RKing and infamy system go hand in hand together, right?
No man. I don’t RK to watch some number go up or something. Everytime I see a guy now it’s like I’m obliged to go kill them. Before the system came out, I’d just kill anyone if I felt like it, aka the “random” in RKing. Sometimes I’d kill some guy walking by, some other times I’d kill some guy at my level to start a fight, some other times I’d just leave them alone!

But now? I feel like I’m doing something wrong by not killing them, I feel like I’m not contributing fully to my guild. Like, why? I’m just not in the mood to kill that guy, why do I have to do it? If you think that the victims hated the infamy system, don’t worry, those grinding it probably hate it too.

  1. Can y’all let this topic rest?
  2. Bruh you ain’t obligated to RK anyone because of your guild, that’s just an excuse to do it for people. If you RK already then you’re doing “enough,” which is quoted because RK’ing is already stupid and shouldn’t be encouraged but I’m not the game dev.

You’re not the one being killed, nor are you being forced to do it. Bad excuse. Stop complaining or don’t do it if you’ve such a problem :sleeper:

Oh, I should add not to take anything I say personally, even if I sound harsh. I don’t care so much about morals or subjective opinions, but I’ll absolutely tear your argument to shreds.

If I am being harsh, tell me and I’ll drop the persona


you have no idea how much this sucks to just let the topic rest

you aren’t no, but you feel extremely obliged to do so whenever you seen one. i haven’t felt so blood thirsty to kill people ever since i ended up in a guild. just, what game am i playing? why does it feel like i’m playing rogue lineage?? why am i afraid of death?? cause im gonna lose infamy? why do i feel like i’m gaining so much from killing that poor guy grinding chests and trying to upgrade his bow??

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I’m just gonna say it bluntly:
Learn some self control and stop being so insecure about it.


just don’t rk bro it’s not hard

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i dont mind rking after all it is free pvp training

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man this is what i get for telling how i feel about when playing this game now ever since the guilds update. it’s honest truth telling me to learn self control or to “not rk” won’t just fix the issue at hand lol

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Stfu, i’m grinding internet points in a low player count game to boost my self esteem. I don’t care if your mother is on her deathbed, you gotta get your contribution to the guild up. ez ez ez skill issue

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shit this escelating into an arguement i can feel it

If you make good points, things won’t escalate into dumb, heated arguments just sayin’. It only takes one stupid person . . .

oof, this is the doom of humanity right here

tf do you mean turning into an argument, it was already an argument. Your feelings are at like 5k ping man :///(Still a skill issue tbh)

Tbh, we’d rather stay at “New” Infamy for months until Vetex adds more ways to gain infamy than RK and ruin people’s day


Tbh, I’m not really talking about RK’ing itself, that’s a can of worms I don’t care for. I just mean the justifications for why RK’ers complain about “having” to RK for their guild is doodoo

@Cryonical welcome to the forums, you’re in for a show


who cares about rk??? just literally abuse twitter code like i did, get a guild, and use it as a bank to store your crowns no biggie (pls dont report me)


Me and my guild have been in a game for a while, the infamy system forces your guild to be small since you can’t gain it unless you RK. Would rather stay small than do that, lol

Me and my guild are a PvP guild, we obviously don’t mind RK, and I’m sure some of us are even really fond of this new infamy system in our guild, but I don’t feel that way. I don’t like the way that I feel like whenever I join the game, my goal is to: Contribute to guild. hunt lvl 45. kill.

Just, ugh. This update is frustrating. Let’s hope TGR brings island capturing like in AA so we can get infamy that way…

Yes, infamy from capturing locations would be nice, as would infamy from guild members getting in the news as well as killing npcs, I feel like both would make sense.

If your guild RK’s then they’re doing more than enough to make up for your sudden loss of interest.

You’re a great friend, but grow a backbone and think for yourself.