Map completion & areas players are most likely to migrate to

Once all areas of the map are to be implemented into the game which part of the map do you think you’ll be spending most of your time in?
I’ll probably be wasting my hours away in the northern part of the map with the Snow Folk,fishing on glaciers. (I’m a sucker for the winter season)


Those small offshore islands where Old Sea Vikings live since 1.) it’ll probably be secluded and 2.) I’m a fan of the show

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I think I may find myself on a continuous trek across Magius for the rest of my characters existence. “LEAVE NO CHEST UNTURNED!” Other than that idk ice fishing sounds cool but the jungle/Canopian area sounds interesting as well…


Its a 2 way tie between rocky deserts and jungle areas.

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I honestly just like traveling/exploring alone so I’m definitely gonna see every place, but I can see myself spending a lot of time in the desert simply because I find it the most interesting biome. For a real-life reason, it’s one of the best biomes for fossils to be found (i.e. Gobi Desert in Mongolia/China). For in-game reasons it’s just spookier at night to be alone in the desert (maybe that’s just me).


From experience:
Deserts are SUPER hot during the day, and
SUPER cold at night. Do you think that desert temperatures would flux with the time of day?

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i think im gonna naturally love the marshlands for the ominous tones it gives at night and the general nature connectedness. but i think i would also like the ember desert because i generally like sandy tones and oasis colors. but i hope im alone all the time because i hate people


Would be interesting if you were to lose stamina faster in the desert with it being hot and all but i guess that’s all up to Daddy Vetex

Guess you’ll have to settle with the marsh since so far a lot of people prefer the desert lol

ill do an ogre playthrough

“what are you DOING IN MY SWAMP”

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The place for PvP, like a big arena. Normally I don’t really care about the leveling aspect of games but the PvP.

Can’t wait 'till arenas are like . . . entire fields large (ancient colo and abandoned arena kinda smol)

I want to trek up and down rocky canyons like my characters are in some kind of old western.

im migrating to the northern sea lmao

I’m a mountain man!

After checking out every inch of the map, I’ll be migrating to the Arctic. Ice fishing does sound pretty cool along with wandering around a white and rigid wasteland with the cold wind blowing all around you. The idea of exploring a snowy forest always appealed to me as well. Everything about ice and snow feels serene.

Oh yeah, are the sky islands still intact? I would LOVE to hang around these places

Tundra and the snow areas. For sure.
Alaleans are stinky hence my slot 1 is Castlian and my slot 2 (currently alalean) will be Snow Folk.

Imma stay away from the jungle cause im not tryna get eaten by Canadians Canopians.

am I being racist?

Glaciers and New Alelea and deserts and islands

no magic allowed, only club.