Mario Odyssey but with magic and death and suffering and without the fun stuff


Bruh, there are 81 things on the Trello ‘To Do List’. This really is going to take a long time.

Larry is coming back! :poggerfish:

Aight, the Halloween Event has been released (Merry Halloween) meaning it has been exactly 2 years since I went in holiday to Egypt. But nobody gives a fuck about that so let’s continue.

Vetex released a post on the forums yesterday, revealing what TGR will be about, introducing whirlpools, boats, and sharks coming back. (Larry is coming back! :poggerfish:) We will be saying goodby to Magius and hello to the War Seas in the new Arcane Odyssey, that’s right, we are going back to islands hopping again boys.

Is that it? No. Look at the trello.