Marketplace Issue

Is anyone having trouble with getting their items on the marketplace? I listed these scrolls for sale but they don’t seem to be visible on the scrolls section

marketplace is a buggy mess, best to avoid it until its 100% fixed

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Can’t say I expected much as it’s run on roblox servers tbh

I suggest getting all of your items out of the marketplace asap because I don’t think its even supposed to be open right now.

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Does he know

I’m glad I was able to take the scrolls out then :sob:

damn i put like 15 spaghetti in there man :frowning:

If you listed them before 5pm I cleared the marketplace. The marketplace is safe to use. If it’s not showing up as a listing just cancel it and put it back.

There are known bugs regarding the filtering hiding your items, next page button not showing up, and sorting not working


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