Massive help

if u help me defeat king calvus i will donate you 5 bobux on pls donate :pray:
user is speakableioy display name teo

i keep having to raise the price since no on wants 3 bobux

Class: Conjurer
Level 104

I wanna ask, what is your class?

Im donw to help… If you still are stuck on the ruler of ravenna

You do realize it’d probably be easier to just get some random max level to help you rather than wasting your own cash to beat some boss in a game, right? And if you do manage to get someone to help you here, what next? Would you continue buying help from people on the forums using real money? Just saying, there’s a better way to do this in case you haven’t done it already.

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Don’t waste your robux on beating a boss
All it will do is make you feel worse when you go up against more powerful and difficult bosses in the future
It’s a bad habit to fall into

(calvus is actually way easier solo than with another person)
(simply wait for the pillar or large blast attack and then punish him, and dodge for the rest of the fight )

I cant, but I can certainly give tips

You’re lightning, so focus on single blasts/placed explosions

Use guns, they do massive damage even after the nerf (shields will maybe help with blocking)

Invest into your stats, maybe get extra levels, you can always go outside and beat up some Ravenna guards for exp

Most importantly, play the waiting game, you can regenerate hp but calvus can’t, dodge often, and when you see calvus charging up a big attack, hold G for a block to reduce the damage done to you

Go to white summit and get the dodge reflex it’s literally airdash, will be useful in air stalling and getting across the arena

Bro, just get an ardent siren bow. When he is charging, blast him with m1s. You are a conj, so this will work perfectly. You can beat him like this in less than 2 minutes

Least desperate ao player


if they can’t defeat calvus what makes you think they can kill a siren to get a siren bow

I alr have the siren bow mate. sirens are way easier than calvus

oh mb

People: Complain about pay2win.

Also people: Hmmm, pay2win doesn’t seems like a bad thing when you are the one who receives money.

bruh don’t waste ur money on a mere video game

also 5 robux isn’t enough, you’d have to give more for someone to actually help you

Lol sirens dont actually hurt bad, they are just hard to hit bc they fly