Mayor Tilly doodle

Quick doodle,
I’m very glad that she seems okay with us even after learning we’re a wanted criminal


Silly Tilly



i wish you could interact with her more after the story tho



Like dating dancing with her, I don’t know.

Did you know:
Mayor Tilly changes her suit after she gets kidnapped?
She wears a dark blue suit before you head to Ravenna and changes to the teal one you see here.

I for real thought your PFP was @Ezia’s for a sec, I probably need sleep.

If I had a quarter for everytime someone has mistaken my pfp for @Ezia’s I’d have 3 quarters. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened 3 times.

Now go get some sleep :D!
You need it.

I shall not sleep. Yet.

It’s been two hours you should sleep

we love silly lil Tilly

Truly the mayor of all time :100:

Mayor Silly, what a Silly Tilly Willy
look at the little mango

Silly Tilly on her way to watch another criminal get executed.

Jk, but she looking cute in this drawing.

Being too silly will be Tilly’s canon event (as a side note, I accidentally destroyed the :fr: at Palo Town once)

… sma-

I was looking around google for a prowler goku image that I thought would fit a response to this…
Instead I found this:


she tilly my mayor until I palo town