MC Server Thread

And the ones who don’t have disk……

If you’re still accepting people then I would like to join. My IGN is ExaltedAAxolotl

I’ll add you tomorrow afternoon, if I even have time with all the tests and stuff coming up at school

gimme ur homework B)

could ya’ll send some pics for that players that have java but not the stupid driver update that that is needed to run it?

do you have java but not the stupid driver update that that is needed to run it?
  • yes
  • no
  • maybe

0 voters

my game occasionally crashes and goes to a blue screen of death.

standardized tests (end of course), I can’t :sleeper:

my game has only crashed when i tried to run vault hunters idk what’s wrong with your computers

nah my computer dies whenever I try to run roblox, or a steam game. occasionally dies while running minecraft.

@VortexesandVertexes added you, sorry for late response

is anyone gonna join. I’m lonely on the server.

I would, but I have homework and school. I’ll be more active on the weekends.
Even then, I would be building random auto farms

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I would like to get invited, Hahinar is my ign

Also who has the elytra from the end city?

I have 2

I didnt entirely loot the second end city though so there might be a second couple of loot chests there

if you go loot it i would recommend at least enchanted iron armor, enchanted iron swords/axes, at least 2 pickaxes, a stack of good food, 1-2 water buckets, several hay bales, at least 2 stacks of building blocks, and at least 3 stacks of blocks that can be turned into slabs

Also a bow would be good but gl with the arrows

Wait what

I swear if u don’t get an elytra. Jk