oh ok
Just did it in case something interrupted it
oh ok
Just did it in case something interrupted it
will add soon, my computer is updating rn
oh I have 17 turtle eggs and am working on a villager trading farm (feel free to take anything in the double chests) Currently I have efficiency IV, mending, and silk touch.
chords are 358 66 1213 in the overworld.
I was until my friend you know. Didn’t get the fricking resources and left WITH OUT GETTING THEM
If u are go ahead and make one
I got the leaves I need but nothing else yet
U need like 21 stacks of blocks
i was uhh going to use a different design but ok… thats a lot of blocks tho
There’s two zombie spawners right next to each other at x28 y-24 z641 and x28 y-31 z632.
I don’t think I’ll use them so someone else is welcome to turn them into a farm
Also there’s a regular spider spawner at x16 y-31 z659
are people still playing on this
0 voters
Still building a new base, then I’ll get better items
If anyone wants to play Minecraft but they are too poor I got an idea
fools it was actually a setup
i just made a server so people would create farms FOR me so i could export it into singleplayer and have everything i need
ok not actually though but do you guys want me to keep the server up or is it dead now because tbh i havent hopped on in like a week
I fell into the void and lost all my stuff cause I was moving but didn’t have a place to set up. All the shulkers died in the end void and I gave the ender dragon egg to someone else.
if theres only a couple people playing then i can just like export the world and upload a world download so you guys can go singleplayer
just if theres only like 2-3 people still on though
I think this was bad timing. No one is on the forums. Post this a week or two after AO gets fully released, and the server will probably live a bit longer.