Hello, today I will present to you your dream Alchemist NPC, and here he is in front of your very eyes :
His name is Alexander, and he is wanted for a very simple reason, the Magic Council found him too dangerous since he was the perfect enchanter, and making criminals have perfect gear.
What proof do I have you may ask ? Well here it is, just know, in my inventory I had a Clean Wall of Jericho, a Clean Vastira and a Clean Oathkeeper, a Dull Power Amulet and a Dull Strenght Amulet. I enchanted the Power Amulet and got Powerful, I enchanted the Strenght Amulet and got Strong, I enchanted the Wall of Jericho and got Heavy, then I enchanted the Vastira and got Strong, and finnaly the Oathkeeper and got Strong too.
(I have no screenshots for the first three, I wasn’t fast enough)
And this ladies and gentlemen is the proof the Alexander is the best alchemist, if you meet him yourself someday, say hi to him from me, and don’t kill the prodigy. That’s all, cya !
(not a joke btw, this actually hapenned)