Meet Asteria Salore, A person that never gives up to reach her hopes and dreams

Hello!, my character’s name is Asteria Salore. And here’s her story.

Asteria Salore was born in open test 4. She is a very happy and polite girl she’s very honest. Sometimes her brother even tells her she’s too honest. She never gave up on her hopes and dreams. She and parents and her brother lived in ironport, she and her brother were very close

When Asteria was 6 years old, she discovered she was able to use (Moon)Light magic. After this Discovery. She always helped everyone, and even if she couldn’t she’d try to help them.

But one day, when she was just in riverville helping out the people it in and selling stuff.
As she was walking back to ironport she saw a massive explosion from ironport. Flames everywhere Her house was on fire and the only person she saw was her brother lying outside their house. Unconscious. She saw a black figure above near their house. it looked like they used fire magic and shadow magic. She vowed to defeat the person that killed her parents.

6 Months Later…
Today, she’s 16 (turning 17 next month) and becoming a good mage. She uses a crossbow, a spear, and 2 knives. She mostly uses her crossbow and her magic. But if she really needs to she uses her spear

Currently she’s learning more about magic. She’s trying her best to be better and she recently learned a beam attack. She named it “Luminious Dream”. As she travels around magius. She wears a traveller’s backpack (given by her father), a purple hood and a scarf (made by her brother) and a special bracelet made by her mother.

Today, she’s learning about minds and how to unlock them she’s excited to get her second magic but i’ll take a while. Currently she just relaxes and enjoys peace in magius.

(I’ll update this more once WoM updates more. Or tweak it every once and a while.)


this all also hapened to me

<20 characters>

My name is Astrea Salore and was also born in open test 4…

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LOL, when i was making asteria i was thinking of naming her “asteria” or “astrea” i picked asteria because i thought it sounded better

It’s definitely an interesting name but I picked Astrea because I thought it sounded better than the others :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, tbh asteria salore was the best name i could have gotten

This post was cringe… especially the title.

sad ;c

but who cares. i tried my best on it : /

Well atleast she isnt wearing full black clothing unlike a certain someone (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

L1.Dc_vi12 welcomes you to the forum.

what is this secret organisation that you are hiding?

Great, my “oc” is completely mad, with anger issues and double personality, one is retarted and the other one an insane murder (ye I was inspired by diavolo from Jojo)

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the secret organuization is the league of elite gamers where the clan leader is ninja hismelf


Stole my name smh