Merican Seasonals

It’s not tbh. Halloweens and american seasonals aren’t much of a different values lmao.

Difference is the time. People who played on American cap and glasses update are less that people who played on halloween update

yeah but remember how american items got duped to hell?

and? you can legit get better trades for your american cap and glasses instead of 5 for a shitty mino boss drop

Lmao I didn’t even say mino drop?

boss drop could mean anything one shitty exiled drop or one shitty mino drop

Yeah but I didn’t say minotaur drop. I have more exiled then I have mino :fr: I also have more clean drops then mino drops. Legit fuck off.

mald off, I could legit find people selling 4 boss drops for 2 american items and you ask for 5 items for one shitty exiled helm or armor

Not the one who got all soyboy because I was underpaying :clown_face:

you said asking for 5 american items and you giving one boss drop is overpaying for the the getting a shitty exiled helm. mf resorted to calling me soyboy clown and insult without any valid point in the end.

Lmao I love how you just assume what I’m going to give. Mald off :clown_face:

yea bro I’m assuming clown ass.

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