Merican Seasonals

I need american items lmao. 5 american items for one boss drop. ez. Am I overpaying? yes. Do I care? no. Since I am american boy.

I give 20 for sunken

Or 5 for one sunken

Too easy


how bout all 400 of mine + hard sunken helm for a sunken item

not hard sunken helmet. how about sunken chestplate for all 400 :niceman:

ew cya

But it’s fair :frpensive: Plus I don’t have a hard sunken helmet anyway

No I was gonna give you a hard sunken helm and 400 seasonals

oh for what. OH I UNDERSTAND NOW. I got a lil confused.

nvm I think I only have 1 american seasonal

lmao bruh.


GUNS1!111 :gun:

Am pretty sure that is not overpaying, the person giving the American items is overpaying. Legit in a few months these items are gonna be more expensive than a sunken item.

nah they won’t be worth anything for a long while. There are so many of them

You’re underpaying not overpaying dumbass


Ok you don’t care, the person who has American items also won’t care since this is a shitty trade