Messagery: What and Why

The forums are plagued… Plagued with users that have all decided on one thing; Sending replies only related to a reply and not the topic at hand.
I am making this thread with the aim of fixing that, by teaching you, the reader, what is the Messagery, and why you should use it.


  1. What is the Messagery?
    1.1 Creating a message
    1.2 Editing a message
    1.3 Deleting a message

  2. Why use the Messagery?

What is the Messagery?
The Messagery is the feature that allows you to create a conversation which only select users and/or groups can access.

Creating a message

You can create messages by heading to the ‘Messages’ section of your Forum Profile/Summary and clicking on the ‘New Message’ button,
alternatively, you can also message a single user at a time by opening up their User Card and clicking on the ‘Message’ button.

Once you’ve decided to send a message, a draft will be made.
Within said draft will be an option exclusive to the Messagery system; The Access List. The Access List allows you to add and remove either users or groups from the soon-to-be-made message, giving them access to it.
Opening the Access List will let you type in the exact user or group name to add them to it. Furthermore, it will also allow you to remove each individual user and group from it.

Thus begins your conversation…

Editing a message

Editing a message is possible, however it is limited to user and group permissions.

To add/remove a user or group to/from a message’s Access List, find your way to its top. There, click on the ‘Add or Remove…’ button. This will modify its container to let you perform the aforementioned actions.

Keep in mind that only the message’s creator can remove, while everyone has the permission to add.

Deleting a message

The deletion of a message is achieved in the same way you would delete anything on the forums; By clicking on the Three Dots of the original (top) message,
and clicking on the Trash Bin.
This action -similarly to replies and topics- is only realisable within the short time frame of having sent it, and after said time has passed, the only method of doing so would be to contact a moderator by flagging it.

However, a similar action can be accomplished by archiving it, which proceeds to store the message in the ‘Archive’ category of your Forum Profile/Summary.

Why use the Messagery?
Usage of the Messagery has only one purpose; Sending messages to people, meaning that if a conversation which you plan on having does not relate to any category to be made into a topic, or isn’t related to the topic which it would stem from, you should instead send a message.


  • To avoid filling a topic with unnecessary replies.
  • To make unrelated talks (arguments) private
  • To converse with someone privately
  • To make the forums look better

As you could probably tell, I am fed up with in-topic arguments. They ruin the landscape that are the forums and ward people off from being engaged in a topic.
Reading through an enormous amount of replies is not something that people are prone to, even more so if most of them are unrelated, stupid, and awful to see.

Yes, it is ironic that someone who started a useless argument not too long ago is writing this, but I really needed to answer this one singular question:

Do forumers dream of messaging one another?

P.S: Do tell me if I’ve made any mistakes, whether they be about the information or the english I’ve used.


W skibidi tutorial

Im gonna be honest I don’t really use messages cause they feel too formal for normal talk :pensive: but I see where you’re getting at

I don’t use messages because I don’t prefer to bother people.
I agree though that people can derail topics a lot, but unless they’re straight arguing for 100 messages I don’t see why it’s finitely bad if the reply is somewhat related or at least making the topic at hand more popular in that aspect.

yappity yap


Some people would definitely benefit from using this feature a bit more, it helps with topic derailing/clutter and allows you to more directly address the person you’re speaking to without too much interference from other parties

Yap yap

ts geeky asf lemme not lie