Methods For…

Just become atleast known on the forums make some topics get regular stuff like that. Maybe write a story on here or something. Atleast get known to a degree

Forum rep gets you nothing in-game imo unless you are really popular and or use your Roblox user as your user on here. The average (regular) forumer won’t really get recognized im game, even by other forumers. Just my experience though I could be wrong.

LOL I AM AN IDIOT. I thought he said forum Popularity

Talk to randoms

other than wom being dead and lackluster, if you really want to get popular right now then your best bet is to get pvp (which is pretty meh right now anyways) and farm infamy for guilds like others have suggested. just know that infamy farming could make you feared but also hated among the community. no offense, but farming right now for a small guild isn’t gonna do you shit because even if you get that infamy number really high people are just gonna be like “ok but go outside man” given the state of the game.

you probably don’t have a really good chance of getting well known outside of the game unless you join several discord servers for the game. there’s multiple platforms for ao (vetcord, forums, reddit, wiki) but the members of these aren’t ever recognized outside of said communities unless somebody would know them from being in 2 or more of the same ones. tbh what i would do is just try to get better at pvp, if you actually want to bother doing that. (side note, it’s hard to do that when barely any good pvpers are left which makes it difficult to find a worthy opponent and actually help you learn) although besides basic things like aiming the pvp is gonna be way different in ao which kinda makes previous pvp practice worthless.

like i mentioned earlier, you could get well known by joining a few discords and being active in them (some of them even have the older pvpers) and if you stand out enough or are good at pvp then idk maybe one of them will pick you up and get you known for something.

tl;dr, just wait for ao because your chances of getting recognized in current wom is slim

(getting known on the forums ain’t gonna do shit because pretty much every player that hasn’t been on the forums doesn’t recognize us.)

Being known will be easiest at the start of the game because thats the best time to make a name for yourself. Things such as pvp and just gaining relevancy around the forums will probably help

Just be good at the video game and talk to people

(the reddit is dead, totally and completely unresponsive)

I got recognized as a WOM Artist when I was playing Phantom Forces

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last time i even heard about it was when some guy tried to sell the wom and ao subreddits

I guess just stick around on the forums for a while. I haven’t played WoM in well over a year but I’m still kind of well-known on here. Just contribute to conversations, give people useful links when they’re confused, and don’t be an asshole. Well, being an awful person is an easy way to be remembered, but I don’t recommend it.

:frowning_face: :frpensive: :bowing_woman:
we cant gain from new guilds rn so youre fine to vibe w/ us
whenever were like pvping or smth we dont attack yall unless we dont like you usually
then again suncry is very solo you do you sorta thing so people may just decide to be nerds

I dont trust that

I mean if youre a rookie guild or smth then we might

be in omega (omega winning)

Stop it. Let me slumber.


omg sorry foxscrub senpai I didn’t mean to wake you from your heavenly sleep :flushed:

(omg omg guys he noticed me :scream:)

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