He didn’t say if this is an island or the sea
Maybe in the future he will understand what he meant
mimhere island is real
he literally said it hovered above the water…?
then again, ig mimhere island could just have a big lake or smt
Sorry didn’t read this
Its been confirmed by a couple exploiters that its possible to teleport to, and several witnesses have confirmed that leaderboard players have had mimhere island as their last visited place, as well as screenshots and videos from some of the most trusted members of the community verifying such.
I suggest sifting through some more resources yourself ofc because im not perfect with the details.
I found the player who were in mimhere Island and i knew its not fake or edit i saw ir by myself
This means there is still a place call mimhere Island but it didn’t got added to the game yet
Lets just say he is working on it
it’s real
the person spotted at Mimhere Island was also spotted at “Lower Erisia” (a location in Deepwoken.) They obviously pulled some strings in the game’s code to get it to say those things.
but to answer the question yes it’s real we just haven’t found it yet
Oh yeah btw guys what is the dark sea events?
Some people were talking about and they mention that dark sea events is that random islands respawn in random place, is this true?
Or its something will be added in the future
Currently there’s no content for the dark sea, all the things mentioned are for the future
My guess is that Mimhere Island is real, but was only used in the Test Universe version of Arcane Odyssey to test dark sea events.
Thats what i thought about to vetex didn’t finish it yet
Since you guys came and wrote ur reply can you support me with like ?
why are you begging for likes
Mimhere Island is technically real but not really
Are you calling the YouTubers “likes beggars”?
No of course no
Then i can just tell them to support me
Its a reminder