Mimhere Island real?

Since no one literally no one knows if mimhere Island is real or not , some people say its real and others no. I actually respect everyone’s opinion but have you ever read morden notes? In one of the pages he said he is going to an Island as fast as possible after breaking to forttalo with the player
Days pass and then he wrote this"what is this weather? is this the dark sea?" And then 1day or 2 he wrote he arrived to an island its very dark and creepy, the dead fish smell everywhere and he just don’t feel comfortable he took the curse in this island which call "death curse " and left immediately

So what i think is this island is the last island we will visit it in the storyline and this is the "MIMHERE ISLAND "
(I am not joking this time i found this while i was reading the book and i wanted to show it to everyone)

people do know its real, everything is documented somewhere on YT so you can catch up.

Even if it’s not real at the moment, it’s such a huge community joke that it will inevitably become real at some point in the future

those are all faked though

The fact that people took the whole mimhere island joke seriously makes me disappointed in the community

I an taking it seriously i am just giving one of my deep thinking results
I started to think alot about this game anyways i need to touch more grass

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Since like 50% say it’s real 40% say it’s fake and 10% don’t even know what is this island it’s hard to believe someone says he saw mimhere Island by himself

Only the old ones know

Old ones ?
What you mean?

your mom :joy:

Uhhhh…are you brain damage bro
I will tell you about a good doctor you should vist it he will help you fix your brain

The Golden Age of the Forums is where the Elders came from

It’s real.

dont trust cryo everything he says is big stinky!!!


shush cryo ur not supposed to tell them yet

Tell what
Mimhere is real?

Apparently the wiki has a pretty good page about Mimhere Island.

Hopefully this helps :grin:.

I already read it anyways thx bro

No problem!

I’m pretty sure the Death Curse was found in the open ocean, not on an island.