Mimhere island reality

ok, im pretty sure i’ve basically solved mimhere island
so theoretically people have multiple ideas of where mimhere is right?, west of shell, nortwest of ravenna, i heard some about south of mount othrys. so, if mimhere IS a placeholder for non-existing islands that do have a hitbox, there is a chance that non-existant islands that are for dark sea content might just be the mimhere island we are looking for, just understand, mimhere is a placeholder for non-existant islands, dark sea will likely have islands, people know of multiple directions that mimhere is at, so likely there are MULTIPLE mimhere islands that are just hitboxes in the locations of future islands for the dark sea content
mimhere island isn’t an “island” it is “islands”
non-existant, multiple, placeholder islands


The mimhere island lore continues to grow…


blud’s acting like he read all the poneglyphs


there is zero work done on the dark sea apart from where it begins and rough weather

this includes placeholders for islands

the “at mimhere island” stuff is exploiters who thanks to a mentally ill roblox move could change the names of things like their location on bounty boards

It was not roblox’s fault that he forgot to sanitize his remotes bro :skull:

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