Minor tweaks for easter event that would make it alot more fun

Minor tweaks for easter event that would make it alot more fun
effort 1.333333333333333 3 quality 1.0 3 reasonability 1.0 1

tl;dr darksea needs to be more friendly to low-graphics level players and sky apples need a spawnrate buff (or replace sky grape spawns* this may be a bug)

so I am going to startoff with some background on my post.
I have been to 10 diffrent servers at this point and have gotten 4 aeroplast, 9 golden cloudcaps and countless lifeblooms. but I have yet to see any sky apples. I have seen sky grapes which leads me to believe that this egg is bugged (that or sky apples need a major increase in spawn rates)

other background. I am locked to graphics level 3 any higher then that and my laptop becomes a slideshow. so you can imagine my annoyance when there are some dark sea eggs (and a hard to spot diving egg)

Where is the suggestion?
Apples spawn at stepstones entrance, your best bet is an early server, and plenty already complained about the egg rarely spawning and dark seas being laggy

  1. my suggestion is about how it is time based (and there is no way to sort by time)
  2. I am not complaining about DS lag. I am complaining about how the Dark sea is basically impossible on lower graphics settings and I am unnable to increase them in ANY place due to lag (this is also more of a general roblox thing. none of the games I have played lets be go above 3)

I could care less if the dark sea was laggy if

  1. it didn’t nerf my boat to a snails pace (I have 127 speed god dammit why can I outswim my boat)
  2. it decreased the range of some of my spells (crystal beam and blast spells being the notable ones)
  1. Sort by region, find yours. Earliest will be at the end.
  2. You literally just complained with no solution of your own except “make it less laggy”.
  1. thanks I didn’t know that
  2. the solution would be “make it processed by server” or “unhook it from fps” or “use delta time” (I am also annoyed that high-ping affects leaps when dash and dodge relfex is fine)

also even if I can sort by time why do sky apples only spawn during the first 2 hours of the servers lifetime?

Where is the proposed changes? This is a suggestion post, not a Nimbus sea release post.

I think the best solution for sky apple egg - alongside fixing whatever is up with them, is to let Skycliff island also spawn sky apples. Makes sky apples twice as common and gives more of a reason to revisit the island.

Also dark sea optimizations should be a whole 'nother suggestion just because it’s so complex.

its not really a suggestion when the first part is to fix the bug preventing sky apples to spawn in any remotely old server, and the second part doesnt really explain how to fix anything. its on the level of “please make the game better”

and anyway how are you suffering at low graphic in the dark sea for the event, everyone’s view distance is super short too. the ancient lightning egg is literally neon and theres 50 of them floating all around you all the time, the ghost ship egg is floating with a huge cloud particle above lost cargo (which ghost ships lead you to anyway) and the other ones are found on islands, so for all of these you arent really at a disadvantage to find them with low graphics.
like of course poor performance sucks but its not the event that made potato pc people’s life worse


for me it is not the eggs themselves. but the fact that I cannot see islands unless my boat literally hits them

You should make some clearsight potions, that’s what they’re there for. Farming for the reagents is a simple task too.

You put the tl;dr in the wrong place. The suggestion title is kind of misleading, too, and also the Sky Apple thing really seems to be more of you problem than it is an actual universal issue. Optimization is also already a pretty well known problem, and I doubt making more suggestions telling Vetex to optimize the game will make him optimize it faster than he already is.

clearsight potions wouldn’t work if you’re running graphics 1

Then don’t use graphics 1? Most of the problems are easily remedied by using the obvious gameplay features presented or just increasing settings. And If they’re using graphics 1 because their PC can’t run AO then that really isn’t the game’s fault.


a tl;dr is kinda useless at the end IMO so I put it at the beginning (althoth I guess at that point it is a tl;dwr)

I am running graphics 3. I may be able to push it to 4 on the dark sea (I get better perf in the DS compared to normal seas)

3 graphics? Lucky. I can play at 3 but i have to turn it off anytime in combat or getting somewhere compacted

Woah! Reduce lag? We’ve never thought of that one before; I’ll forward this to vetex immediately!

Thank you!