Mirage's doodle thread

We? Who’s we? You speaking French now?

No? I am not a shipper by any means.
I am rather, a simp for certain characters, but not too much, because that would make me feel guilty about it.

not everyone is a shipper here, understood?

lad, did you actually take what I said seriously or is this a brand new level of sarcasm my brain cannot understand

That was a joke? my bad.

apologies, i thought you were serious there.

fineeee but only cause theyve been rotting my brain for the past 3 months :skull:

this is what happens when stupid hypothetical is taken seriously

you might’ve seen this one coming…

basically one day i was thinking “oh yeah haha julian has the glass curse and diane has obsidian magic, lol glass bros i wonder how they would interact” and I concluded that they would be both dumbasses that share a singular braincell they pass back and forth to one another

i present to you, the mosaic duo


Yeah, nah. I would’ve NEVER expected this one.
It is pretty funny, but at the same time, Julian? His bitchass?
He has no redeeming qualities bro is a crimson flag :sob:

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the only bitch he managed to pull was a creature from the depths of the dark sea :hugs: :hugs: rizz so terrible he couldn’t even get a human girl to like him enough


honestly this isn’t even a L rizz situation, this is just an egomaniac only getting bitches because the sapient epicenter creature doesn’t know what a red flag is :skull:

Julian’s best friend when he sees Julian finally get some bitches but the person he pulled ain’t even human:

the ravenna gang isnt taking this news particularly well

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poor girl :sob: very first relationship (at least , the first she could remember after losing her memories) and she’s stuck with this prick

Only another reason we all need to gank Julian.

Ask Vetex to add Julian as a raidboss, everybody in the server ganks him.

they EVENTUALLY get better


I keep seeing the word me in who I think is elius’s face for some reason

idk what this means but that is elius :fire: :fire:

they mean it looks like part of Elius’s face is the word “me”

am I high or does this shit look like the word me

now i see it

im honestly surprised ppl can decipher these 2 minute doodles as much as they can cause honestly they are a mess :sob:

here’s a tiny key for my art style’s expressions (though these were probably obvious):

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A fresh pair of eyes is sometimes all that’s needed to finally clear something up, or notice something unseen.
It’s a pretty common phenomenon.