Mirage's Main Cast Redesigns!

can i fistfight her

i saw that edit mirage you cant hide it

i am watching you live edit a reply

Said this elsewhere I’ll say it again.

Love the whimsical nature of your redesigns, you really put the fantasy touch to it that I always neglect on my own redesigns. Personally I think yours really fits the nature of Arcane Odyssey’s a lot more than my own, and I really hope you continue redesigning other characters, I love seeing what you cook up.

And it looks like I don’t need to tell you this, but I support a non-skinny Iris, and there ain’t any problem about it. You drew her wonderfully and that’s what matters.

Fantasy or otherwise, people can have different body shapes! Shocking news, I know. Should certain people have a problem, perhaps they should learn to pick up a pencil and draw what they want to see instead.

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The person in question wanted to draw Morden being eaten by a female white eyes. You sure you ever want to see that?


bro wtf happened here???

the forums

Like any other person, if I don’t like what they’re drawing I can ignore it. Or report it to be taken down because this is a forum with rules and that sounds like it would break at least one lol

I feel hella lucky and honored you gave me early access and wip process in dms fr because Colorful Morden, Chubby iris and Fairy Neviro are Peak :fire::fire::fire:

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Don’t worry, there’s already been a flag on his post.
The strategic missile is inbound.

world’s least obvious alt

Iris’ forearm looks a lil unproportioned (maybe it’s just me, idk), looks good though where is my snake soup

War never changes…


just hopped on the forums once again, saw this whole thing, what is happening with the community. people seriously upset over designs from someone on a forum?

who knows lmao

Either way its just a few very loud people, rereading everyone else’s compliments on the designs has really been so awesome

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there are 2 sides to the AO community

the “No you can’t make Iris somewhat chubby!!!” side and the “Yo I like how you made Mordens skin look diseased, cook again.”

yeah i loved the designs even though o only got to watch the stream for a bit lol
keep cooking. you have potential

one of the moments of mathys “that’s hot.” moments

and ofc neviro is being ignored :fire::fire: (canon tbh)