Mirage's Main Cast Redesigns!

mirage and these other artists cant take a joke apparently


Who is saying this? You’re just projecting those thoughts onto others


y’all bullying the artist like just stfu and draw something yourself before you open that bastard of a mouth.

Both sides… It’s not that deep… it says redesign…

I honestly can’t see anyone’s problem with it.

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the gaslighting goes fucking crazy

thats gaslighting cause yall went after the guys that made jokes about fat people in the first place which started the whole thing. no one here is bullying the artist lmao they just didnt like being harassed which is why they talked back about it


give me a specific example of that being gaslighting

chat these might all be alts lol


thats dehumanizing

yeah not even worth responding to. normally I hate saying this cause it’s pretentious but even if they’re not alts most of the accounts are pretty new and hardly used, probably saw this post and logged back in to defend their pookies

and before anybody says “bUt ThAt’S eXaCtLy WhAt YoU’rE dOiNg” you’re god damned right, that’s how I know you nerds are doing the same thing

I would quote Binary, but as you can see, most of his replies have been hit with the flag + delete combo already. mf was either not trolling or went way too far and destroyed his own joke.
And this and above happened. You tried scrolling?

A lot of stuff I was gonna quote got flagged and deleted, actually. The mods ain’t been lacking on this post, fr.

ah shit u rite
been a long past few days I didn’t even think to check the profile

mhm mhm sounds about right

nice art (really like neviro’s design) :+1:

kinda wish iris wasnt fat tho :pensive: can you draw mayor tilly skinny next time pls :pray:

im not exactly sure how this all became skewed to somehow me attacking the poor, defenseless commenters as the big bad artist who cant take a joke but some of the stuff in here would make a tabloid writer shed a tear with how far from the narrative we’ve gone

oh lmao theres another one above me

holy shit they keep coming in more droves than Entry Point enemies do on Legend difficulty.

true @Misinput could you close the thread its gotten really off topic

like someone cant even post about the original artwork without being dragged into this drama offtopic :pensive:

no closing the thread actually, thats prob what these guys wanted anyways

keep it open :hugs:

tsk tsk tsk

ayyup. If the cabbage alt wasn’t too obvious of a giveaway to me anyways.