Misplaced Volatile Cargo

A pirate ship docks at Whitesummit, unloading several barrels filled to the brim with gunpowder.

It’s sold to the nearby shipwright of course, but what happens next is what we’re focusing on.
The barrels are brought to Merlot, as for the time being there was no real reason to get more gunpowder.

The grotto had more than enough of the stuff.

“Do you have any idea what to do with these, Architect?”

“At the moment, not an inkling… but it’ll be clear enough when I do have an idea what to do with this gunpowder reserve.”

The shipwright promptly leaves before the noise of explosions, magic blasts, and swords clashing ring in the distance.

Then the disturbance approached ever closer, and as a pre-emptive measure Merlot would retrieve his Silent Blades from his sides with a violent motion and-

An enormous explosion rocked Merlot’s office as the friction of the blade accidentally came into contact with the explosive barrel which set off a chain reaction after one violently erupted.

Turns out Merlot never once had the thought come to mind that having explosive barrels around his office wasn’t the brightest idea.

As the Assassin’s Syndicate Headquarters in the Bronze Sea lie in ruin momentarily, a Syndicate member burst through what formerly was a front door.

Covered in blood from head to toe, his expression changed the second he actually surveyed his surroundings.

“Architect Merlot, what happened?!?!?!”

“Six barrels of gunpowder.”

And from that day onward, gunpowder barrels were banned from the Assassin’s Syndicate Headquarters in the Bronze Sea.


Bro got the gunpowder trauma in 0.1 seconds

still allowed in the grotto just


architect merlot watching a person he has never seen before place 6 gunpowder barrels directly next to him (he will never learn)

2 sentence horror stories

forum quote edited for comedic effect

Wait, is that how people cheesed Architect Merlot? They filled his room with gunpowder and triggered an explosion just to get his knife and claws?