Missing double stat jewels: Power + Defense and Attack Speed + Attack Size

you’re telling me you attack less than 3 times per combat encounter?
Any more than that and you should have a different gem equipped because you’re losing more hp than you’re gaining.

heck, even if you somehow only attack twice per encounter the +30 defense from onyx is still going to get you near identical hp benefits and it’d be much much easier to get.

pretty sure defense also boosts regen, so painite builds will probably be relying on outregening their opponent
also seems like drawback builds will do better at low health since they won’t be losing as much HP per attack

oh I never saw that change.
that definitely changes things but I’m still unsure about mixing defense and drawback lol.

guess we’ll have to see in the update.

atleast the point where drawback damage kinda levels out is higher
hell, if you combined painite with drawback gear that gave stats other than defense it’d probably be pretty decent

I think we’ve determined that drawback is not % of your attack damage but if it was…

My juggernaut deals 113 damage with a crash and with 8 painite gems thats like 8% of the damage dealt back to me so every attack would deal 9 dmg to my juggernaut. That would be healed very quickly.

Thanking vetex that he never added those two gems :pray:

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