Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I present a giant mole (rat) courtesy of Wikipedia

Watch as Vetex call the update the “Wilderness Update” and don’t mention these islands in the key points of changes

vetex forgor :frcryin:

meet gatekeeping man

“I’m tired of gatekeeping”

not just sometimes, i havent been able to gain any infamy since nimbus update lol

0 New Info
0 Content leaks
7 Memory leaks

For me, infamy only works in the Bronze Sea, since for some reason Infamy gain is now completely disabled if there’s not enough players/clans in a server for Island Claiming to work. Either I missed a patch note or it’s a weird bug.

7! memory leaks*

After the hotfix

lol, that’s pretty funny. Guess I’ll need to keep that in mind for sparrowthrust/fphoenix

I’ve been surfing wiki for some info for my savant build, and found this.


Apperently there are more dev items then just cataclysm.

4 of them

Some kind of golden Crown?


Watermelon Hat


Mini white eyes


Some kind of glow accessory?


there are also supposed to be two more special dev magics (I think, I don’t know why anyone would chose special fighting styles or weapons)
but we don’t know what they are yet

That’s like a blue version of the thing that the redwake chief has probably

Oh dear.
Although I did look at the page, I heard somewhere that some of those items are just from 5000 treasure charts complete or something rather than developer only.

Can anyone confirm the treasure chart method? I have never heard of this before?
If it is true, im getting on my grind

This sounds as ridiculous as childhood Pokémon myths on “how to obtain/catch x”

“Free headless at 10000 diving points” trust

aw man

“That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.”