Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

This is also true.

You can build castles. Who doesn’t like building castles? :slight_smile:


Don’t get me wrong the gameplay of it sounds fun, but if it hadn’t had any sort of real reward to it then a lot of the incentive to do it would be lost.

That doesn’t really sound right phrased that way give me a sec.

Ok so basically while the gameplay is fun without any reward it people would probably only use it a couple times unless they really enjoy it before getting bored, and others might just not use it at all.

Fortunately it does seem there is some benefit aside from renown and just doing simulator game stuff.

exactly, i hope we get a trap spell in the future too so i can place booby traps everywhere

I want my Elder Scrolls Rune Spells and I want’em now!!!

Counterargument: Boatsboatsboatdsboats

There’s gonna be a lotta boats. A lot bigger, a lot more expensive boats.

We need more moneh. Honestly, we’ll need a source of passive income at some point down the line, because who here wants to grind Sealed Chests and Cargo runs to buy something even more expensive than a Brig?

but I’m a hoarder
also I don’t want some random ganker to get 350 of my hard earned galleons for killing me while I’m busy upgrading gear or fishing



I do not want them to get a single ounce of gratification or reward from killing me while I’m in the middle of something or just spawned into the game.

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passive money generators?!


i can hold onto it if you want

(Only for your treasury though)

So what I am to reiterate… Bank clans shouldnt be a thing? I have a bank clan with 40k infamy and im all alone- So should I just take the galleons out and remove the clan?

Don’t worry, I’m totally laughing. On the inside. For sure. Totally. :upside_down_face:

simply don’t die, I do it

and if you do, it’s just 260 galleons


I mean, fair enough, but I can only freeze/paralyze/knock some metamancing ganker into the water so many times before they stop falling for it and catch up to me.

(Though I did manage to evade one doof by going into the Scorching Dunes with a smoothie active. He nearly died after trying to follow me in and started calling me a coward in chat. Fun times).

one of my friends is telling me that a major reason why people gank is for galleons, so the clan bank being remade into a treasury will then discourage people from putting money into it which then means more people are carrying around more than 1k galleons which means more people are being targeted by random killing

the argument here being that this encourages more toxic rking

you forgot about Thermo nerfs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh lovely, I hadn’t even thought of that happening. Woohoo…

Also, am I tripping, or is that a The World Ends With You character as your pfp? Sorry for the random question, my nostalgia senses just started tingling.