

if you havent a clue what the future endgame boats will look like> here you go.

  • Redwake Longboat
  • Gunboat
  • Viking Ships
  • Ironclads
  • Bireme
  • Barque
  • Cutter
  • Dhow
  • Schooner
  • Sloop
  • Xebec
  • Brigantine

also @Arpeeguy here you leave me alone with your silly ideas of you thinking the Ship of the line will be 250K :sob:

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It will be 250k

no it WONT

hes probably not wrong tbh itll be hella expensive

I wouldn’t be surprised if ship of the line costed a million or more.

hopefully the empires update will allow such galleons to be earned much easier (no way im grinding cargo for that long)

It’ll probably be more than that… like way more

Most likely 500k… Or 750k! My advice is grind to 5 million now! And worry later!

im not gonna be like that one dude who got to 5m galleons :sob:

Guess I’ll be using a Brig for the rest of the game. :expressionless:

Same bro

pfft who needs a massive ship with 100 cannons that travels at lightspeed when you can have a nice decent ship with a cozy bed and fishtank

Someone needs to ask vet if there he is planning a way to earn galleons much easier

If not then I will quit ao for the next 20 years

I’m willing to bet it’ll be the fleet update. Can prolly set them to that trading mode and earn passive Galleons that way. And it’s not all that unbalanced, either, since it requires an initial investment of Galleons to start a fleet by recruiting ships in the first place.

plus its not that hard to start a fleet either. I think youll be able to start at atleast level 70-100

I really hope that the ship of the line is more tanky than ironclads because I don’t want to have to use that in order to get max ship health.

Guys if you didnt know, he is literally grinding to 5 mil right now