Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Fair, but are we gonna ignore whatever this is?

That’s a donation title

with this addition, I think that vetex should just remove regular weapons from chests all together, since it would just clutter your inventory even more
instead, these regular weapons should just be purchasable at armourers on islands.
That way you can control how many weapons you have in your inventory, and you won’t have to play the rng game of trying to get a trident for 5 hours just so you can make your gold conjurer called Golden Forks complete

yes, it would be a kind of necessary money investment, but so is changing a fighting style, and weapons cost a lot less than most those anyway (and you would still be able to get them via enemy drops)


i think armorers should just have 1-3 random cycling weapons depending on how far their island is in the game like how tailors have random items, along with their normal stuff

maybe the leather armor could alternate between dark and light leather in cirrus town and later and iron could alternate between steel and titanium in ravenna and later


they should always have 2 old weapons, and 2 iron weapons, later seas would replace the lowest tier with the newest tier
if they are a kingdom island, they should instead have a rotation of 3 of the kingdom’s exclusive weapons (ravenna sword/ shield, greatsword, battleaxe, warshield) (sameria cutlass, shield, idk hasn’t been added yet)


@Skenana , that’s Argos’ halbert

Ah, i see. Doesnt really make sense, since its a halberd but fair enough

it’s a big axe spear hybrid
it’s probably pretty good at cleaving things
Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 20.45.46


tbh, I don’t understand the forum’s obsession with flash strike
it’s predictable, the hitbox is pretty difficult to get right and you can’t do a follow up that easily
(also last time I checked the damage also wasn’t that great, but I haven’t landed it since 3 updates ago so it’s difficult to say because balance changes)

I’d much rather put something like whirlwind on it, since it has a large and easy to judge hitbox, has low cooldown, is strong, and can be charged while walking

baby vetex

I know it’s very nieche problem, but finally weapon routes wont be painful to randomize

i agree, but not for inventory clutter reasons, i just want to make it easier for my conjurers to get their old weapons


wonder if skill notes will be tradeable

it would make sense that they are, since you can already trade a weapon which has them applied to someone else
making them untradable would just be slightly inconvenient

I wonder if this ‘skill note’ system will apply to Spirit Weapons as well…

Obviously, if it does, they’ll be incompatible with normal weapons. But, it’d be cool to think you could give a Knight weapon a Warden skill(like a healing spell or buff or something) for some added utility.

yep, they will

very exciting


I get the feeling it’ll be more of an Argos sitch, where a greatsword user decides to get primal instinct. Imagine the size of the aoe.

And another thing with this new system: What’ll be the deal with Strength weapons? Will their moves be incompatible with normal weapons and vice versa? And if not, will the Strength skills still have a strength requirement on a normal weapon, and will the normal skills have a high Weapon requirement on Strength weapons?

Been debating with myself whether I ask this or not, but is there going to be anything that stops vitality from basically being warrior but with more base health?

A lot of the things that would seem like downsides to vitality just seem like easy workarounds with armor stats, so I’m really unsure.